Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Web Design 2 - The Design Tutorials

Web Design 2 - The HTML Tutorial

Site : W3 Schools (HTML)
Site : W3 Schools (Javascript)
Site : HTML Goodies
Site : (Tips for designers & bloggers)

Web Design 2 - The Beautiful Websites

Site : No Milk Today
Analysis : I superb love the milk style and feel. Overall colors are kind of consistency. Simple, nice and clean.

 Site : (blog)
Analysis : This is a personal blog created by a Malaysian student. Attractive header and interesting logo. Even the navigations are cool too!

Site : le-moulin-de-sauvage
Analysis : This web is about natural. Green background color and some curvy fauna style to represent natural.

Site :
Analysis : There is a little curve applied on the navigation buttons. Type and grid system is well organized in different box.

Web Design 2 - The Loaf Competitor Websites


Site : Bread Talk
Analysis : Black color background with white color text (makes the whole page stand out included those pictures). Homepage is using spaceship style (curious but looks attractive). Picture is clear and neat (look yummy~). Overall the text are clear enough to read.

Analysis : White color background and with some color and gradient text (most of the colors are picked from their own logo color). Overall well organized and arranged in different box. Look neat and easy to get to know that which section is belongs to which type. Post their new set food at the homepage.

 Site : Lavender
Analysis : Attractive and glamorous background image. Navigation look glamorous too. Pictures are clear and look yummy and delicious. Overall colors are suite to their own logo. Text are easy to read through and with kind of romantic and lovely style.

Analysis :  Logo is clear and big enough. Navigation still readable but kind of bored. Don't have a focus point. User don't get which one they should go on first because the size are almost the same. Overall the web page don't really stand out and user might don't know what they are selling if without showing those pictures.

Web Design 2 - Gantt Chart & Sitemap

 The Gantt Chart (weekly progress)

The Sitemap